At Red Owl Vineyards

We care about the land and how we use it.

We care about the fruit we grow and how we ferment it.

We care about our wines and how they are crafted.

We care about our friends, our family, and our dreams.

                    Our wines are a reflection of who we are.

Our Unconventional Journey into the World of Wine

We are more than just winemakers; we are dreamers who dared to embark on a remarkable journey into the world of wine. Our story begins with a wild and audacious dream, a dream that led us down a path less traveled.

 It all started with a spark of inspiration and a passion for winegrowing. We found ourselves entranced by the artistry of winemaking, captivated by the idea of crafting wines that would leave an indelible mark on palates and memories. And so, our  dream was born.

Red Owl Vineyards is the embodiment of our dream, a place where passion meets precision, and innovation dances with tradition. Our vineyards are a testament to the tireless pursuit of quality, and our wines are an invitation to share in our journey.

Cheers to Dreams, Wine, and the Extraordinary Journey of Life!

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